Case Studies


A vacation rental business.


Rescued a website that was stuck in the 1990s by transforming the design and capturing new photographs for more than a dozen properties.

Freed countless hours of the owner’s time by setting up automatic booking through the website.

Provide ongoing strategic consulting to the owner as the business grows.


A fundraising communications expert.


Coached the owner of a new consulting firm on time management so she could spend more hours on billable work and fewer on administration.

Redesigned the firm’s website including original photography that better reflected the brand.

Provide strategy and execution of business development initiatives that have resulted in new clients and increased visibility.


A media consultant.


Designed and built a website from scratch to highlight the services and portfolio of a local media consultant whose brand reflects his Barbados roots.

Created the site’s custom color palette out of a set of photographs from Barbados that was meaningful to the client’s brand.

Coached the client on how to update the website so that they could make changes independently in the future.


A solo wellness practitioner.


Coached the business owner through her desired transition to focusing exclusively on one modality which resulted in a more than 20% increase in sales.

Revised website structure and copy to support her new business model.

Created a bank of photographs available to the client for use with social media and other marketing, facilitating the growth of client communications. 


A boutique financial advisor.


Collaborated with other service providers to guide the development of the brand and visual assets, including the advisory’s website.

Recommended and built a digital organization infrastructure from the ground up — the systems, apps, and workflows needed to run the business. 

Provide ongoing consulting support as needs change and the business evolves, including updates to the website.