Strategic Consulting Services

Business Plans: Guidance on creating a written document that outlines your business’s identity, offerings, goals, strategies, and timeline.

Growth Planning: Crafting long-term strategies for sustainable business growth and expansion.

Financials: Whether you are bootstrapping or courting investors, creating financials can help you get clear on how much funding is needed to launch or grow your business.

Sales Optimization: Creating and refining sales processes to maximize revenue and improve customer relationships.

Customer Experience: Improving customer service practices to ensure exceptional client interactions and retention.

Networking and Partnerships: Facilitating connections and collaborations with other businesses and organizations to expand opportunities and resources.

Business Management: Coordination and organization of administrative aspects of the business that need to run smoothly in order for the doors to stay open.

Account Admin: Thoughtful selection, set-up, and maintenance of the host of digital applications you need to run your business.

Digital Snarls: Untangling locked-out digital accounts and streamlining workflow so they are easy to access and manage.

Time Management: A strategic look at how you can use your time to increase productivity while maximizing time for that which matters to you personally.

Handbooks: Secure functionality during personnel changes by having a handbook created to capture key functions of each role on your team.

Inbox Zero Training: Freeing up daily mental bandwidth by implementing email management systems and practices.

“Business Therapy:” I’m not a licensed therapist, I do have a knack for uncovering root issues and blending personal and professional development to resolve energetic blocks.