I specialize in working with small business owners and nonprofit leaders to identify obstacles, create strategic, values-aligned solutions, and implement these plans effectively. Combining the roles of coach, consultant, and project manager, I focus on both mindset and strategy to ensure practical, impactful results. This holistic approach empowers my clients to overcome challenges and achieve their goals with clarity and confidence.

Menu of Services

Strategic Consulting

Website Design: Designing and building user-friendly websites that empower clients to manage updates independently after the initial build. Learn More.

Commercial Photography: Creating captivating visual narratives for websites and marketing materials, specializing in storytelling for a wide range of clients from big law firms to solo entrepreneurs. Visit Avi Fox Photography.

Copywriting: Shaping brand messaging and delivering clear, compelling language that resonates with your audience, ensuring your business communicates its unique value.

SEO Optimization: Enhancing website content and structure to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.

Branding: Crafting a visually cohesive brand identity that you're eager to share with the world. Brand packages can include a style guide, logo files, graphics, color palette, font specifications, and more.

Graphic Design: Providing custom graphic design for various needs, such as infographics, brochures, flyers, and visual branding materials.

Marketing Collateral: Designing eye-catching business cards, postcards, and print materials that help your business make a memorable impact in the market.

Newsletter Services: Establishing and configuring email marketing platforms, creating templates, and setting up email lists for future campaigns.

Communications & PR: Partnering with Blackman Media Consulting to establish credibility and visibility through media and press. Services include preparing media kits, pitching stories, and ensuring clients feel prepared and confident to share their stories.

Video Production: Creating professional videos for marketing, social media, and website content, from concept to final editing.

Merch Shops: Through setting you up with an on-demand merchandise company, you’re able to sell branded merchandise on your website.

E-Commerce Solutions: Whether it be a service or a product, we can customize your website to include e-commerce capabilities to streamline revenue generation online.

Creative Services

Business Plans: Guidance on creating a written document that outlines your business’s identity, offerings, goals, strategies, and timeline.

Growth Planning: Crafting long-term strategies for sustainable business growth and expansion.

Financials: Whether you are bootstrapping or courting investors, creating financials can help you get clear on how much funding is needed to launch or grow your business.

Sales Optimization: Creating and refining sales processes to maximize revenue and improve customer relationships.

Customer Experience: Improving customer service practices to ensure exceptional client interactions and retention.

Networking and Partnerships: Facilitating connections and collaborations with other businesses and organizations to expand opportunities and resources.

Business Management: Coordination and organization of administrative aspects of the business that need to run smoothly in order for the doors to stay open.

Account Admin: Thoughtful selection, set-up, and maintenance of the host of digital applications you need to run your business.

Digital Snarls: Untangling locked-out digital accounts and streamlining workflow so they are easy to access and manage.

Time Management: A strategic look at how you can use your time to increase productivity while maximizing time for that which matters to you personally.

Handbooks: Secure functionality during personnel changes by having a handbook created to capture key functions of each role on your team.

Inbox Zero Training: Freeing up daily mental bandwidth by implementing email management systems and practices.

“Business Therapy:” I’m not a licensed therapist, I do have a knack for uncovering root issues and blending personal and professional development to resolve energetic blocks.