GETincluded, Inc.

If you’ve ever been there before, you know that GET Café is an incredibly special coffee shop. Run by the non-profit GETincluded, GET Café is dedicated to facilitating the social inclusion of neurodivergent individuals in the community setting. They do this by employing individuals of ALL abilities. I knew how special their story was because I had not only been the photographer for the family that founded the organization - the Goodspeeds - back in 2017 but also because I’ve experienced the magic of the Narberth coffee shop as a local patron. In order to make the online space representative of the atmosphere that the physical space holds, I knew we needed to build a vibrant color palette around their recognizable logo and also to bring in the right photographs that would highlight and model the spirit of the inclusive community. While I professionally photographed the exterior of the cafe for the new banner image, I also curated and edited a collection of images from what was already on the Get Café Instagram in order to maximize the spontaneity and authenticity of the website experience. In the process of building the new site, I helped the organization not only get clear on how to simplify and articulate the story and messaging but also begin to build out the backend business infrastructure of the nonprofit so that it is replicable and ready to scale when they are ready. I’m so proud to be a part of the GETincluded family and to help them launch this new website. Thanks for having me as your website designer and small business consultant, and I hope you enjoy these screenshots from our launch!


Erica Daniels


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